Last Friday, my mom had surgery on her foot, and she is not allowed to put ANY weight on her foot until she sees the doctor in 2 weeks.
Mom who's not allowed to walk + Thanksgiving = Laura's in charge!!! Yikes!!!!!
Luckily, I only have to cook for my parents, bro, and grandparents, but still. Me.. in charge... of Thanksgiving dinner??? Seriously?? Seriously.
So today I made my first official pumpkin pie. I didn't make the crusts from scratch, but I did make the filling. And yes, this year, I did remember to add the sugar to the pie, unlike last year at Christmas. (It wasn't my fault- I was distracted last year!!!)
So, around 1:30, I throw the pies in the oven, set the timer and come back to check on them. They are still all gooey in the middle. I add some more time and check again... still gooey. After doing this SEVERAL times, it's now 3:30 and the pies are just finishing cooking. So I go in to my mom's room and say "Um, I put the pies in 2 hours ago and they are barely cooked all the way through." My mom says, "Yeah, I don't think my oven is working quite right."
Gee, thanks mom. You couldn't have told me that BEFORE I started????
I'll let you know how tomorrow goes. It might be my first and last Thanksgiving that I am in charge of.