Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Goodbye 28, Hello 29

On Thursday, I will be 29. Truth be told, this is not at all what I expected my life to be like as I turned 29. But, overall, year 28 was pretty good.

Some highlights of Year 28:

I went on three interviews and got offered two jobs. If the one in Pittsburgh had been for longer than just one year, I would be writing this post from a different city. But, all in all, things worked out well. I love the school I'm at and the people I work with. Things happen for a reason, right? So there must be some explanation for why I got hired in Hollidaysburg.

I bought a house!

I reconnected with some friends from college and high school, but I also "lost touch" with some friends as well.

I finally got to see a Stanley Cup banner go up in the Mellon, after waiting since 1993.

I also got to see the last game at the Mellon Arena, too. And yes, I will admit that I held it together until Mario walked out onto the ice, then I started crying.

I bought an imac and my life has never been the same!

I am the smallest and healthiest I have been in my adult (heck, even teenage) life. I probably drive people crazy with how particular I am about the types of food I will and will not eat. In my defense, I do try REALLY hard not to be a pain about it, so if I am, I apologize! :O)

As for year 29, who knows what it has in store, but here are some hopes:

* Many games at the new CEC
* A trip to Chicago to see the Hawks and Pens
* Participate in a 5K (to walk, not run- my poor knees could never handle running!)
* A 30th birthday vacation to a location that requires a passport
* And many, many good times with friends and all of their babies, especially the ones who love to cuddle (Talkin' 'bout you, Camden!)

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